Choose your topic wisely!
Which format can your talk take?
- T minus 5
One of the most exciting parts of SpaceUp is T minus 5, a series of short talks in the Ignite format. Each speaker gets 5 minutes to talk, with 20 slides that rotate automatically every 15 seconds. It’s a fun format that’s more like karaoke than giving a presentation; it’s tough to keep up with your slides, but the friendly crowd cheers you on.
All the T minus 5 talks will occur in plenary sessions, with all SpaceUp participants to watch them!
For examples of T minus 5 and other Ignite format talks, see Andy Cochrane’s amazing talk Space Is Boring at SpaceUp San Diego, or Scott Berkun’s talk about how to give an Ignite talk.
- 20 minutes session slot
Both days are split in 20 minutes sessions where different talks will happen simultaneously in different rooms, with the SpaceUp participants split between the rooms according to their preferences.
The format of your session is completely up to you, the talk giver: it can be a powerpoint-based presentation, or simply based on drawings and ideas quickly thrown on a paperboard, or an informal talk around a table, or even sitting on the floor in a circle – these are only examples, you can invent a new format if you feel it will better help convey your passion to attendees !
Tips and tricks for a good SpaceUp talk
The most demanding talk is definitely the T-5, which will require not only preparing the slides but also rehearsing again and again the talk – but it is also the one that has the most impact on other attendees!
Whatever the format of the session you plan to host, remember to make sure it fits in the timeframe.
Do not prepare 154 slides.
Go to the core message.
And remember : it’s not about you, it’s about the attendees. Make sure that your session is all about engaging them, connecting with their passion and make them yearn to act for space !