Marc Toussaint
If you have already attended ESA events, you will certainly recognize his name!
Marc Toussaint is of Belgian nationality, graduated from Liège University and Stanford University. He started his career at Dornier System in Germany as a system engineer, then joined the European Space Agency (ESA) at ESTEC, and later in Paris.
During the last 24½ years, he has fulfilled many functions and responsibilities on different ESA programmes, such as Columbus Utilisation, Strategy and the Ariane 5 programme for the last 15 years.
He has been responsible for the late Ariane 5GS version and today is working on the Ariane 5 Post-ECA new launchers, the Adapted Ariane 5ME and Ariane 6 versions.
Marc will host a session during SpaceUp Paris, and we recommend you take advantage of his vast experience to ask everything you’ve always wanted to know about ESA’s launchers!