SpaceUp Toulouse 2017

 Our next SpaceUp will be held on February 4 and 5, 2017. It will take place at ISAE-SUPAERO in Toulouse, France.

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2 days for 25€dedicated to Space.  Register now !


If you’ve never participated to a SpaceUp before, you may want to know a bit more about this kind of event. A SpaceUp is called an unconference, because it’s the opposite of a conference: no speaker, no public, but everybody becomes speaker and public during the week-end. You make the event!

Practically speaking, the week-end will be organised around presentations made by the participants, in different rooms : some of them are 5 minutes long, the other are 5 to 15 minutes followed by discussion, everything is quite free within the schedule. During the week-end, we also have some invited guest speakers who will share their experience of the space sector.

2 days for 25€dedicated to Space.  by the participants. Register now

Latest news on SpaceUp Toulouse 2017 are on the blog :

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